Emerald, Peridot, & Tourmaline Jewelry Available at Henne Jewelers in Pittsburgh

Going "Green" This March At Henne Jewelers!

By Stephanie Desmond for Henne Jewelers.

When we think of the month of March, we most often think of St. Patrick’s Day. The holiday has become incredibly popular in the US, with parades, festivals and general merriment.

The first traditions came to America when the Irish immigrated during the potato famine of the 1840s. One of the most well-known rituals is wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day. What is not generally known is the fact that blue was first associated with St. Patrick. His use of the shamrock in preaching and the Irish tradition of wearing one in boys’ lapels led to the display of green on the holiday.

Today, attendees at St. Patrick’s Day parades and parties are expected to wear as much green as possible, and that includes your gems. One of the most popular green jewels is the emerald. They have been mined across the world for centuries and are found today in several regions of the US.

  This emerald and diamond ring will be perfect for your March celebrations. It will take you through to May, when the emerald is the featured birthstone.
  Another green gemstone is tourmaline. It comes in several different hues, including a mix of green and pink. The largest cut in the Guinness Book of World Records weighed 191.87 carats. Take it down a notch with this diamond and tourmaline ring in an 18k white gold setting.
  A rare gem that only comes in one color is the peridot. This olive green stone can be found in both lava and meteorites. Bring it down to Earth with these checkerboard peridot and diamond earrings. You can wear them all the way through Spring.

For a more traditional St. Patrick’s Day look, these aquamarine clover earrings are perfect. Even better, they are featured on our under $500 gift collection!

Don’t forget, every holiday is perfect for a memorable proposal. This gold and platinum ring features an emerald cut emerald center stone and two emerald cut diamond side stones. It will create an amazing St. Patrick’s Day memory.    

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